Jade Satin Scindapsus – Plant Care, Propagation and Remarkable Tips

Jade Satin Scindapsus also known as Scindapsus Pictus ‘Jade Satin’ or Silver Pothos, is an absolutely fantastic looking plant, and it’s a delight to grow!

If you want to learn about this fantastic plant – including how to grow it, and how to care for it – then you’ll find all the answers you need right here!


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jade satin scindapsus in glass bowl

All About Jade Satin Scindapsus

Jade Satin Scindapsus Is an extremely beautiful vining plant that is notable for both its beauty and rarity.

Owing to the fact that this delightful plant can be difficult to come by, it’s often an extremely expensive plant too when you do manage to get hold of one.

Of course, if you do find yourself able to source a Jade Satin Scindapsus then not only are you extremely lucky, but you’ll be the proud owner of an extremely attractive plant.

What makes these plants so alluring is, of course, the leaves. As far as leaves go these are some of the most attractive leaves that you’ll see on any plant!

They are completely lacking in variegation – but what they are missing in that respect, you’ll find that they are more than make up for with their delightful shape and extremely beautiful green colouration.

The vein patterns on the leaves are of course one of the other things that make these plants so attractive.

The extremely rich green shading is offset by the lightness of the – veins and of course, they can be by slight variations in shade and pattern from leaf to leaf.

These plants originated from Southeast Asia. In fact, you’ll find them growing in abundance in many areas of Southeast Asia!. They thrive in warm and humid conditions and make ideal house plants.

Using a sphagnum moss pole can help provide support to your indoor vining plants keeping them happy and flourishing!

jade satin scindapsus vine trellis

How to Grow and Care for Jade Satin Scindapsus

jade satin scindapsus leaf


When thinking about growing and caring for any plants, lighting should be one of your main considerations. Jade Satin Scindapsus, despite its rarity, beauty and expense, is actually a remarkably easy plant to care for!

You might actually be surprised at just how straightforward and simple it can be to care for these extremely beautiful plants.

Given that Jade Satin Scindapsus has such absolutely beautiful leaves – in fact, it’s fair to say that the leaves are definitely the main feature of the plant, and the reason why they are so sought after – it should probably come as no surprise at all to find out that they absolutely adore sunlight.

However, they’re not the biggest fans in the world of direct sunlight, as the harshness and intensity can often cause problems to the plant.

Using curtains or window blinds can provide indirect sunlight without scorching your indoor plants’ leaves!

jade satin scindapsus indirect sunlight window blind curtains

Still, at least a quarter of the day spent in bright yet direct sunlight will do absolute wonders for any Jade Satin Scindapsus that you are taking care of.

If you find that you can’t plant your Jade Satin Scindapsus in a place where it can get any shade in your garden, then you might well want to consider purchasing a sunshade for your garden too.

The lighting doesn’t have to be natural either – this plant can indeed grow under both natural sunlight and artificial light.

Indeed, if you’re growing them indoors and you’ll find that the conditions of your house don’t allow for enough direct sunlight, then for the best growth out of this plant then of course you can indeed invest in a grow lamp.

Of course, it is actually a fairly tolerant plant, so a grow lamp may not be necessary. It can actually do quite well in medium lighting conditions, and even if the lighting gets a little low.

However, indoors, giving it as much light indoors as possible with a grow lamp can be usually the best way to treat this plant.

jade satin scindapsus grow lamp indoor light


Seeing as Jade Satin Scindapsus hails from quite a warm and humid climate, these are the best conditions overall for the plant.

It has essentially zero tolerance for either frost or snow and indeed is generally used to sunshine throughout the year.

Therefore, colder temperatures simply won’t do for Jade Satin Scindapsus. The cold weather will outright kill this plant without much trouble.

Ideally, you want to make sure that it’s kept somewhere between 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and is in a relatively humid environment. This, coincidently is not too far from the ideal condition that your house will likely be in.

This makes Jade Satin Scindapsus absolutely fantastic houseplant – and of course, due to the fact that it has no resistance to cold at all, is likely to make indoor growing the best option for many people who choose to grow this beautiful plant.


As stated before, Jade Satin Scindapsus generally prefers more humid environments. Ideally, it’ll be kept in conditions that are somewhere between 50% and 70% humidity.

However, it can survive quite comfortably with humidity levels as low as around 40%. If need be, you can use a humidifier to help boost the health of the plant.

Caring Tips

One thing that you may not be used to with some plants is the fact that you may need to occasionally clean Jade Satin Scindapsus.

The leaves have a little bit of a textured surface to them, which can occasionally collect dirt and dust.

Obviously don’t use any household cleaners – cleaning them off with some water should suffice. When you clean the plant, make sure to let it dry out of direct sunlight.

During the spring or summer, Jade Satin Scindapsus experiences the most growth. This is the time of year when moist (but not overly watered) soil will provide the best conditions for this plant to thrive.


You’ll find it’s more tolerant to a slight bit of or under-watering than it is to being overwatered.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that a wilting Jade Satin Scindapsus always means that it’s drying out – wilting can definitely be caused by giving the plant too much water.

Similarly, the plant likes to be in well-drained soil.

Soil that retains too much water and ends up wet and soggy means that the plant not only won’t be in the best conditions but is also running the risk of root rot and other problems such as fungal growth.

Therefore, it is essential to make sure that no matter how you grow this plant, it’s in well-drained soil – but not too dry, of course.

How To Propagate Jade Satin Scindapsus

Jade Satin Scindapsus is a fairly easy plant to propagate. The best way to do this is by stem cutting.

Stem Cut Propagation

  1. Simply take a shortcutting of a stem – somewhere in the region of 3 to 5 inches long – that’s reasonably healthy and has at least a few leaves on it.
  2. Make sure to remove any leaves lower down the stem, so that nodes can be exposed, and roots can grow.
  3. Place the stem into a glass or jar of water in a place that receives a good amount of indirect sunlight. Make sure to gently change the water every so often, and also ensure that the leaves don’t get covered with water so that they don’t rot

Place your stem cuttings in propagation tubes for better root development and an aesthetically pleasing indoor decor!

jade satin scindapsus propagation

Within a few weeks, you should notice roots growing. Once these roots reach an inch or two long you can safely transplant the cutting into a pot with soil – and, from this point on it should grow like any other plant.


No matter what your growing conditions are, you should be able to grow this fantastic plant with relative ease!

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