Scindapsus Moonlight – Essential Tips You Need to Know

If you would like to own a rare houseplant that is easy to care for, look no further as Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight might be the answer to your quest. 

This foliage plant has been added to Costa Farms’ Trending’s Tropical collection and at the moment it is extremely hard to find houseplant. 

According to a study by NASA, this plant helps to create clean and fresh air to breathe and remove harmful pollutants such as xylene and formaldehyde from the air.

This plant makes a great gift to plant lovers; for both experts and beginners and no doubt,  it will bring happiness to the receiver.


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What Are The Key Features of Scindapsus Moonlight?

Scindapsus Moonlight has a smooth stem with heart-shaped milky green leaves and hints of silver in the center of the leaf. 

It looks pretty similar to its cousin Scindapsus Pictus Treubii which is a more common species.

These leaves can easily grow up to 22 inches and if given the right care, they can climb and grow as long as 6 to 8 feet. 

As a trailing plant, when given strong support such as stalk or coir totem poles, the leaves will grow to their full potential with beautiful satin finishing. 

Where Does The Scindapsus Moonlight Originate From?

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight originates from Southeast Asia and can be found in the rainforests.

It is commonly found crawling on the ground before they find a host tree to climb upon in the rainforests.There are two varieties of Scindapsus Treubii; namely Scindapsus Moonlight and Scindapsus Dark, distinguished by their leaf color. 

Treubii Moonlight leaves are milky green with silver in the center while Dark leaves are darker without silver tint. 

Is The Scindapsus Treubii Dark Form As Cool As Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight?

Scindapsus Treubii Dark Form is a rare tropical plant and is harder to find currently compared to its sibling Moonlight, as it is not mass-produced by growers.

This underrated plant has large and sturdy almost black leaves without silver variegation. When this plant is well hydrated, you will notice that its thick leaves are glossy and do not curl.

Dark Form plant care remains the same as Moonlight and having both varieties are under one roof is every plant lovers’ dream.

Is Scindapsus Trebiiu Moonlight A Pothos?

Scindapsus Pictus Treubii are part of the Araceae family and the Scindapsus genus.

It is common for Scindapsus Trebiiu Moonlight to be mistaken as Pothos as they both look similar. The main difference between both species lies in their seeds.

Scindapsus plant has one ovule in each of its ovaries while Pothos has more than one seed.

How Do You Care For Scindapsus Moonlight?

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight care does not require massive effort and requires minimum attention, which is good news for plant newbies.

This beautiful indoor houseplant is low maintenance and does not have any special needs in terms of care, thus suitable for people who find it hard to attend to their plants daily.

Some plants are difficult, however, if you do enough research on what environment they thrive in, you will be able to grow them successfully.

Let me bring you through how to care for Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight and make them happy at your home.

What Type Of Soil Is Suitable For Scindapsus Moonlight?

Scindapsus Moonlight is not very demanding on the soil, thus a fast-draining soil mix is the best option to avoid waterlogging and rotten rot.

One of the best options is Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix, not only because it’s budget-friendly but because it will make your plants grow big and strong!

You can choose to mix your own solid by mixing one part soil, one part orchid bark, and one part perlite which will help to lighten the soil and encourage water drainage. 

Although Moonlight Treubii is not fussy, it is important to pay attention to the soil used as the roots are delicate and easy to rot. 

To keep the plant healthy and happy, you need to re-pot it with fresh soil annually to ensure a continuous supply of nutrients.

What Type Of Fertilizer Is Suitable For Scindapsus Moonlight?

During growing seasons mainly spring and summer, it is recommended to fertilize Scindapsus Moonlight once a month to boost its growth.

There are two types of fertilizers you can use:

This fertilizer can be applied diluted or undiluted directly on the plant. I would highly recommend diluting it to half strength and assessing your plant’s reaction.

This fertilizer will slowly break down and release the nutrients into the soil when you water each time. A single application of this fertilizer can last about three months.

Fertilizer may help to keep the foliage healthy but over-fertilizing the plant can cause root burn and its growth rate will be affected. Therefore, avoid fertilizing during the winter.

What Temperature Does Scindapsus Moonlight Prefer?

Although Scindapsus Moonlight may have originated from tropical rainforests of Asia, they are highly adaptable to cooler temperatures. 

The ideal temperatures range from 12C to 24C and while this plant is very hardy and adapts well to various climates, it is not advisable to have the plant in freezing conditions. 

When the temperature falls below 12C, it is recommended to move the plant to a warmer spot to avoid having the plant suffer from frost damage.

Does Scindapsus Moonlight Enjoy Humidity?

Treubii Moonlight loves humidity levels of 40% to 60% and this environment will make them very happy as this exotic tropical plant originated from rainforests.

However, this environment would be difficult for plant owners to recreate during winter where it is cold and dry.

If you have a humidifier at home, place the treubii plant next to the machine so that it can continue to enjoy at least a 40% humidity level.

Fret not if you don’t have a humidifier as you can occasionally mist the plant with filtered or distilled water.

It will definitely help if you get yourself a thermohydrometer, this will enable you to provide the best growing conditions to your plant.

scindapsus moonlight

What Light Does Scindapsus Moonlight Require?

Scindapsus Treubii thrives under bright and indirect sunlight, thus making this plant suitable for indoor environments. 

Do not put them outdoors under direct sunlight as this will cause their leaves to get burnt. Avoid putting them in a shady area as this will also affect the plant and stunt its growth.

You may also want to consider installing artificial growing lights to help the Treubii plant grow healthily if you are unable to let them be exposed to natural bright indirect sunlight.

How Much Water Does Scindapsus Moonlight Need?

You can water this beautiful Scindapsus Moonlight every 1 to 2 weeks with distilled water or rainwater as tap water is too hard for the plant.

You need to ensure the pot has a drainage hole to allow excess water to be removed and the soil remains moist and not soggy. 

It is important not to overwater Scindapsus Moonlight as they do not like sitting in soggy soil which will cause the root to rot and ultimately its leaves will drop.

I track my plant watering schedule using an app named Happy Plant to keep my plants happy and hydrated.

How Do You Propagate Scindapsus Moonlight?

The best time to propagate Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight is around the growing season in spring or early summer and rooting will occur in 4 to 6 weeks later. 

As roots that develop in water will face difficulty adjusting to the soil environment, propagation in soil produces more successful trials.

Let me walk through with you how to propagate Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight using soil.

Step 1: Cut the tip about 3 to 4 inches long below a node. Remove the leaves at the bottom

Step 2: Place about two to three cuttings in a pot filled with a potting mixture of coarse perlite and peat moss. Make sure the potting mixture is moist.

Step 3: Cover it with a plastic bag to create a high level of humidity preferred by the plant. Place  it at a brightly lit area.

Step 4: Once rooting has begun, you can remove the plastic cover and proceed to water the plant moderately.

Step 5: Twelve weeks after the start of propagation, remove each plant separately into a new pot and treat them as a mature plant.

Where To Purchase Scindapsus Moonlight?

You may find it difficult to locate Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight for sale at your local nursery as this rare plant has started to gain popularity among houseplants owners.

Scindapsus Moonlight has been listed in Costa Farms Trending Tropical Collections and you can purchase this rare houseplant at their retailer partners.

You can also consider purchasing plants from online sellers and do choose one with good reviews and ratings from previous buyers.

Etsy has several listings of Treubii Moonlight for sale and you may opt to purchase from a seller that is located near you to avoid transportation stress on the plant.

How To Deal With Transportation Stress?

Nowadays, it is common to purchase plants online and if the plants are transported unfavourably, it will cause stress to the plant. 

Once you have received the plant from the transporter, do not proceed to re-pot Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight immediately. Keep the plant under indirect sunlight for 3 to 7 days and ensure the soil is moist while keeping the plant hydrated.

It will take a few weeks for the newly arrived Moonlight Scindapsus to get adjusted to its new environment.

When Do You Repot Scindapsus Moonlight?

You can proceed to re-pot your Treubii plant once it doubles in size and has outgrown its current pot.

When you notice the roots are growing out of the drainage holes, you can also re-pot the plant to replenish its nutrients.

However, it is not recommended to repot frequently because if it is not done properly, you will cause plant stress.

Signs of repot plant stress include yellowing leaves and wilting plants after repotting activity. 

Does Scindapsus Treubii Attract Pests?

Moonlight Scindapsus seems to be pest-resistant and rarely suffers attacks from the following pests:

Small, soft-bodied, pear-shaped insects suck plant sap and cause yellowing and misshapen leaves.

Small, pale insects that suck plant sap and cause stunted growth and plant death if not treated fast.

Not an insect but closely related to the spider. This creature sucks on plant sap that will cause the plant to have a faded look.

Although this situation does not happen often, if you do experience the above-mentioned pests attack, you can spray the Treubii plant with neem oil extract

This Bonide’s 3-in-1 Neem Oil is great because it kills the egg, larvae, and adult stages of insects while also preventing the fungal attack of plant tissues.

Neem oil is an organic insecticide thus making it safe to use indoors for houseplants.

Rather than waiting for pest infestation to happen, always look out for signs of these common houseplant pests and check on them regularly to ensure effective treatment can be carried out.

Is Scindapsus Moonlight Pets And Kids Safe?

Scindapsus Moonlight is toxic for both pets and kids

If the pets or kids accidentally chew on this rare houseplant, it can cause irritation and swelling of oral tissues and parts of the gastrointestinal tract. 

The poisoning is caused by the presence of insoluble raphide which are needle-shaped crystals of calcium oxalate monohydrate.

You may consider placing this plant up on shelves or hanging them from the ceiling to keep it out of pets’ or kids’ reach.

Unique Tips For A Happy Scindapsus Moonlight

  • To avoid overwatering, use your finger and touch the top 1 to 2 inches of the soil. If the soil is dry, you can proceed to water the plant.
  • If you notice the leaves are curling or yellowing, it is a sign of dehydration and you need to water the plant immediately.
  • If using artificial light, put it about 10 inches off to the side of the light for 12 hours a day. 
  • Put this plant at East facing windows to obtain the best sunlight.
  • Avoid repotting during spring as they are vulnerable during the growing phase.
  • You can place the plant near the bathroom during winter as it is one of the most humid areas in the house.


Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight is a stunning and trendy houseplant that is adored by plant lovers. 

If you are looking for a rare and gorgeous plant that does not require a high level of maintenance, Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight is the plant for you. 

Do follow the care tips that I have covered here and rest assured, you will have a happy Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight growing healthily at your home.

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