13 Best Kale Smoothies For Weight Loss You Have To Try!

Are you on the prowl for the best kale smoothies for weight loss? You have to give these simple and delicious kale smoothie recipes a try! 

Kale is commonly known as a “nutrition superstar” as it has a host of great health benefits including weight loss.

Kale has a very distinctive, earthy taste, and in terms of texture, it is dry and crunchy. It can also be a little hard to chew when eaten raw. 

So it’s best to have it in a salad or even better, in a quick, hassle-free smoothie!

Smoothies are a great way to sneak leafy greens into your diet daily and if you do it right, you’ll stay full with very little effort.

The Best Kale Smoothies For Weight Loss: At A Glance

1. Tropical Kale Smoothie

2.  Kale & Banana Smoothie

3. Kale Green Smoothie

4. Kale Breakfast Smoothie

5. Creamy Kale Smoothie 

6. Berries and Kale Smoothie

7. Hydrating Kale Smoothie

8 Energy Boosting Kale Smoothie

9.  High Fiber Kale Smoothie

10. Mango Kale Smoothie

11. Citrusy Kale Smoothie

12. Skinny Kale Smoothie

13. Apple Cinnamon Kale Smoothie

best kale smoothies for weight loss

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The Best Kale Smoothies For Weight Loss

Smoothies make a great meal substitute or snack when you want to reduce weight.

Smoothies are fibrous, thick, and sometimes creamy blends of a mix of fruit, vegetables, nuts, and more. 

You can use a smoothie blender, a Vitamix blender, or a food processor to make amazing textured smoothies. 

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Note – the ingredient lists for the best kale smoothies for weight loss in this post yield 1 to 2 servings and is great for 1 person. Increase the serving sizes accordingly if you are making any of these smoothies for more than 1 person. 

best kale smoothies for weight loss

1. Tropical Kale Smoothie

This tropical kale smoothie is the best way to pile up on greens, and one of the best green smoothies for weight loss. This recipe includes tropical fruit and it’ll make you feel like you’re sipping your smoothie at a beach resort. 

This tropical blend is super sweet and tangy with refreshing pineapple added to it. You just won’t feel like you’re having a green smoothie! 

Also, did you know that pineapples have bromelain, an enzyme that has anti-inflammatory properties and helps specifically for reducing belly fat? 

Tropical Kale Smoothie Ingredients 

  • 1 cup of kale
  • 1 cup of spinach 
  • ½  frozen banana (medium size)
  • 1 cup of diced fresh pineapples
  • ½ cup almond milk

2.  Kale & Banana Smoothie

This is one of my staple smoothie recipes and the simplest to make for a kale smoothie diet week. It is a great breakfast or snack substitute if you’re feeling peckish. 

As banana is rich in potassium and vitamins, it is great for an energy boost and it complements kale well nutritionally. I also like to add some ground organic flaxseed to this recipe on days I need more fiber. 

This smoothie is rich in fiber and essential nutrients, it’ll also keep you full till your lunch break. For a creamy, slushie-like consistency, use a frozen banana instead. 

Banana Kale Smoothie Ingredients 

  • 1 banana (medium-size) 
  • 1 cup of kale 
  • ½ cup of nut milk of your choice 
  • 1 tablespoon ground organic flaxseed (optional) 
best kale smoothies for weight loss

3. Kale Green Smoothie

This green smoothie recipe is a super healthy kale smoothie for weight loss. It is also the best green smoothie for weight loss and detox. 

It has the most nutritious leafy greens – spinach and kale,  and some celery! All of which are great for detoxing. 

I also love to add a little ginger to add a little spice and anti-inflammatory properties to this smoothie. This smoothie is not for the faint-hearted, it is a potent-tasting concoction with a lot of benefits!

If you like your smoothies sweet, you can add a date to this recipe to sweeten it. 

Banana Kale Smoothie Ingredients 

  • 1 cup of kale
  • 1 cup of spinach 
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • ½ cup chopped celery 
  • ½ cup chopped cucumber
  • 1-inch ginger slice
  • ¾  cup ice water 

4. Kale Breakfast Smoothie

Did you know that the best time to drink green smoothies for weight loss is in the morning? 

Start your day with this fulfilling and nutritious kale smoothie for weight loss.  Not only will it provide you with the energy boost you need for a busy day, but it’s also full of antioxidants and ingredients that’ll strengthen and protect your body. 

This smoothie is high in fiber and protein, and it’ll be sure to keep you full all morning! 

I love having dates in this recipe, it gives this breakfast smoothie a nice sweet finish! 

Kale Breakfast Smoothie Ingredients

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5. Creamy Kale Smoothie 

This is one of the best vegan smoothies for weight loss and also the creamiest smoothie you’ll have ever! This smoothie recipe is on the higher end of the calorie spectrum and is great if you need an energy boost or a pre-workout snack. 

I use avocado and sweet potato in this blend making it a powerhouse that’s high in healthy fats, antioxidants, and fiber. This will also make a great breakfast smoothie. 

Creamy Kale Smoothie Ingredients 

  • 1 cup kale 
  • ½ avocado 
  • ½ cup of steamed and chopped sweet potato 
  • ½ cup of almond milk 

6. Berries And Kale Smoothie

This smoothie is one of the most healthy smoothies for weight loss and it’s also great for kids. It’s refreshing, naturally sweet, and full of antioxidants. 

The sweetness of the berries perfectly overshadows the bitterness and tartness of the kale. I like to use a mixture of berries and I usually get blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. 

Berries and Kale Smoothie Ingredients 

best kale smoothies for weight loss

7. Hydrating Kale Smoothie

Here is how you get in some fruit, and vegetables and stay hydrated during the summer months. This smoothie is really hydrating and has a high water content because of the fruits I am using.

It is also great for warm, sunny weather and for smooth, rejuvenating skin!  

If you want it served chilled, add a few ice cubes to it after blending, or add it to the blend for a hydrating slushie! 

Hydrating Kale Smoothie Ingredients 

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8. Energy Boosting Kale Smoothie 

Have a big day ahead? Try this smoothie out for long-lasting energy throughout the day. 

To be focused and energized throughout the day, use a nice mixture of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. 

A key ingredient in this smoothie is protein powder. I use Pea Protein Powder. I love using sugar-free smooth peanut butter as it brings healthy fats to the smoothie and has a lovely creamy texture! 

Energy Boosting Kale Smoothie Ingredients 

best kale smoothies for weight loss

9. High Fibre Kale Smoothie 

This high-fiber kale smoothie is simple, tasty, and packed with superfoods. It tastes so good that your kids won’t even notice the kale in it and everyone can meet their daily fiber intake. 

This recipe has kale, spinach, blueberries, bananas, and a mixture of power seeds and dried coconut. Something as boring as fiber never tastes so good!  

High Fibre Kale Smoothie Ingredients 

10. Mango Kale Smoothie 

This delicious smoothie is rich in the sweetness of mangoes and the second fruit of your choice. I love pairing mango with oranges, peaches, or pineapples. They really complement the texture and taste of mangoes. 

I am using freshly squeezed orange juice here but go ahead and use store-bought, unsweetened orange juice if you’re running late. 

Also, mangoes are great for weight loss. Its thermogenic properties promote calorie burning by raising your body’s core temperature. 

Mango Kale Smoothie Ingredients 

  • 1 cup kale 
  • 1 cup diced mangoes 
  • 1 peach
  • ½ cup freshly squeezed orange juice 

11. Citrusy Kale Smoothie 

This citrusy blend is super thirst-quenching and refreshing and it is a powerhouse of nutrients. This sweet, sour and mildly bitter smoothie boasts a myriad of health benefits if consumed regularly. 

I love using freshly squeezed orange juice in this recipe but feel free to use store-bought, unsweetened orange juice

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Grapefruit is popularly known for its ability to stabilize blood sugar levels and is rich in dietary fiber, which makes you feel full. Orange juice is always a great ingredient in any healthy smoothie as its high in micronutrients and antioxidants. 

Citrusy Kale Smoothie Ingredients 

  • 1 cup of kale 
  • ½ grapefruit 
  • ½ orange 
  • ½ cup of diced fresh pineapple 
  • ½  cup freshly squeezed orange juice 
  • 1 cup ice 

12. Skinny Kale Smoothie 

This is what I like to call the ‘skinny kale’ smoothie as it has the lowest calorie count compared to all the smoothies! 

Nevertheless, it has the ability to hydrate, cleanse your system, and make you feel amazing!

It may not sound or look as appetizing compared to all the smoothies on this list but it has the ability to keep you full, reduce water retention and facilitate weight loss. 

Healthy Skinny Kale Smoothie Ingredients 

  • 1 cup kale 
  • 1 cup romaine lettuce
  • 1 cup spinach 
  • ½ cup parsley
  • ¼  cup diced green apple 
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice 
  • ½ cup unsweetened coconut water 
best kale smoothies for weight loss

13. Apple & Cinnamon Kale Smoothie

This recipe is super simple, it literally has just 4 ingredients and the results are amazing. This is the only recipe here with spice in it as well, making a great fall-themed smoothie recipe too. 

Cinnamon has great medicinal properties, it is anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and supports gut health. This is also a good smoothie recipe to have on standby during flu season! 

Apple & Cinnamon Kale Smoothie Ingredient 

Why Are Kale Smoothies Great For Weight Loss

Kale smoothies are a great addition to anyone’s diet and are fantastic for weight loss. Kale, the key ingredient in “Kale Smoothies” has high water content, is low in calorie count, and is high in fiber and protein. 

Foods low in calories and high in water content, like Kale, are considered to have a low energy density. Consuming foods with a low energy density has been proven to help with losing weight

A cup of kale is only 33 calories, 0.73g of protein, and 1.02g of fiber which makes it diabetic-friendly and a great vegetable for individuals watching their weight. 

You see, weight loss boils down to burning more calories than you consume. Smoothies with kale as one of the main components may be lower in calories, especially if you are pairing it with other low-calorie ingredients. 

As kale smoothies are high in fiber, they will also keep you full for longer which will discourage you from snacking unnecessarily. This makes it a great breakfast or snack to help you create a calorie deficit in your diet. 

best kale smoothies for weight loss

What Are The Health Benefits of Kale 

Besides being great for weight loss, kale is a superfood with a myriad of health benefits.

Yes, you heard that right – kale is one of the most nutritious foods in the world. Let’s dive into its health benefits. 

1. Kale Boosts Energy  

If you have been feeling fatigued lately, it might help to start adding kale to your diet regularly. 

Kale is also loaded with antioxidants and minerals that help improve energy levels. Did you know that a cup of kale has more Vitamin C than an orange? Having adequate Vitamin C in your diet reduces tiredness and fatigue. 

Flavonoid antioxidants in kale have been shown to regulate blood sugar and as it is high in fiber, it improves glucose levels.

Due to its iron content, Kale also improves your metabolism rate. All of these factors lead to feeling focused and energized after a healthy meal with kale. 

2. Kale Has Anti-aging Properties 

With high consumption of kale, you might be able to improve the quality and tone of your skin. As kale is rich in carotenoid precursors to vitamin A, it helps with collagen production and can make your skin feel healthier and less aged. 

As overall it is high in antioxidants, it may aid in the prevention of oxidative stress by free radicals in the body. Oxidative stress is one of the key causes of aging and life-threatening diseases like cancer.

3. Kale May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease 

Kale contains properties that can reduce cholesterol levels, which may lead to a reduced risk of heart disease in the long run.  

A study actually established that drinking kale juice daily for 12 weeks lowered bad cholesterol by 10%. Another great way to have kale to lower cholesterol levels is to steam it. Steamed kale is almost as potent as cholestyramine, a drug that lowers cholesterol levels. 

How To Prepare Kale For Smoothies 

So is there a distinctive way to prepare kale for delicious and healthy kale smoothies for weight loss? 

You might be wondering how hard can it be to prep kale, but you want to make sure that it is nicely cleaned and in the right size for blending. Here are my step-by-step instructions on how to prepare kale for smoothies and salads

  1. Use a knife to slice the tough middle stem of the kale leaves and chop the leaves into smaller, bite-sized pieces. 
  2. Now, we clean the kale by firstly, soaking it in a mixture of cold water and a tablespoon of baking soda for 10 minutes. 
  3. Now rinse your kale and place it in a salad spinner filled with cold water as it thoroughly cleans your leafy greens. I highly suggest getting yourself a salad spinner, it’s great for thoroughly cleaning your leafy greens. 
  4. Remove the strainer insert (with the kale inside) from the salad spinner and empty the water out of the bowl. You can also give the kale in the strainer another rinse under running water.  
  5. Place the kale back in the salad spinner, put the lid on, and spin dry it. 
  6. Place it on paper towels to ensure that there is no excess moisture before popping it into your smoothies! 

How To Store Kale 

If you want the kale to stay fresh and crispy,  and ready to go for your breakfast kale smoothies, use these easy storing tips! 

Your kale will be fresh for over a week and these methods work great for other leafy greens too!

How To Store Kale:

1. When you reach home from the store, wash your kale right away. 

2. Chop up the kale before washing.

3. After washing kale in water, dry it up in a salad spinner or using paper towels before storing it away. 

4. Once washed and chopped, store your kale in an air-tight container or zip-lock bag in the fridge. 

best kale smoothies for weight loss

Tips For Making Weight Loss Smoothies 

When making smoothies with the goal of weight loss in mind, there are a couple of key factors to consider. With one wrong ingredient, your smoothie can be high in calories or carbohydrates which can lead to your weight loss attempt being futile. 

1. Use Nut-Based Milk As A Base 

Switching over from full cream dairy milk as your smoothie base to unsweetened nut-based milk will help you reduce calorie and sugar intake and stay lactose-free. Lactose is a type of sugar found in milk that causes uncomfortable bloating and gas. 

Nut milk like almond milk and cashew milk is nutrient-dense, has less sugar compared to dairy milk, and is low in calories. A cup of unsweetened almond milk is around 40 calories, free from saturated fat.

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2. Increase Your Fiber Intake 

The best kale smoothie for weight loss is one with a high amount of fiber! Yes, a noticeable increase in fiber will definitely aid in weight loss. 

Did you know that most Americans are not eating enough fiber? We should be consuming 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day. A great way to ensure you’re getting the fiber you need is to add fiber-dense foods to your smoothie! 

Amp up your fiber intake in your smoothie with a variety of seeds. Seeds like flaxseed, chia seed, and hemp hearts are great to add to your smoothie and you’ll hardly notice as they don’t have a distinct taste. It might add a bit of crunch to the texture though. 

3. Add A Protein Powder 

Consuming the right amount of protein for your body will reduce hunger by more than 50%

You can increase your protein consumption by adding a scoop of unsweetened protein powder to your smoothie to make it an all-rounded meal. By adding protein to your smoothie, you can increase your hunger-satiating hormones. 

For weight loss, it is probably better to opt for plant-based proteins as they are usually lower in calories, and higher in fiber and essential nutrients. 

FAQs On Best Kale Smoothies For Weight Loss 

Is It OK To Put Raw Kale In A Smoothie?

Yes, it is ok to put raw kale in a smoothie. A cup of raw kale has more vitamin C compared to an orange which makes it great for a healthy smoothie. As kale has a strong flavor, adding other ingredients will neutralize the smoothie’s taste. 

Can Drinking Kale Help Lose Weight

Yes, drinking kale can help you lose weight because it has a low caloric profile and is a low energy-dense food as it has high water content. Consuming more foods with low energy density, high protein, and high fiber like kale has been found to help with weight loss. 

Is It Good To Drink Kale Smoothie Every Day?

Yes, it is good to drink kale smoothies every day. However, a diet consisting mostly of green smoothies is not healthy. Meals have to be balanced with healthy fat, lean protein, and healthy carbs in the form of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. 

best kale smoothies for weight loss

There you have it, here are the recipes for my 13 best kale smoothies for weight loss. 

These smoothies are not only great for your body, but they are also honestly really tasty and in my opinion, the best pick-me-up for a lazy day. They are easy to follow,  packed with nutrients, and will keep you energized throughout the day. 

What are you waiting for? Jumpstart your weight loss journey right now and achieve some health goals with these amazing recipes! 

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