How To Repot A Peace Lily- The Right Way!

Want to know how to re-pot a peace lily? Here is a quick and easy guide to repotting your peace lily the right way, to keep your plant happy!

With their air-cleansing properties and soothing tones, Peace Lilies are one of the most sought-after plants for any home. Although most commonly grown as an indoor plant, Peace Lilies can survive outside in certain conditions, however, due to their temperature-specific needs, they tend to do better inside like a pot plant.

As far as houseplants go, Peace Lilies are pretty easy to look after, which is another plus point if you’re someone with a busy schedule.

As you watch your Peace Lily thrive (which it will!), you may be wondering how to re-pot it, or even when it’s best to do so. We have addressed these plant-based queries and more in the article below, so keep reading!


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Why Grow A Peace Lily?

For centuries these lilies have been a symbol of peace and prosperity. They are known to have several calming properties, as well as looking pretty and being easy to care for. So, if you’re on the search for a low-maintenance plant, then look no further!

The Peace Lily doesn’t just look good in your home, it also comes with several health benefits that we’ve explored more for you below…

Place your cuttings in these propagating test tubes for more Peace Lilies!

How To Repot A Peace Lily
  • Peace Lilies are a natural air purifier, they can absorb harmful particles that may be polluting your home and convert them into clean breathable air. 
  • When placed in the bedroom Peace Lilies can improve the quality of your sleep, by absorbing allergens and increasing the humidity in the room. This allows you to breathe more easily and achieve a night of restful sleep.
  • Placing one or even several Peace Lilies in rooms with a high concentration of moisture can significantly reduce the presence of mildew, as Peace Lilies effectively absorb mold spores. Not only do Peace Lilies love moist climates, but they can also reverse the harm that damp and mold can cause to you and your home.
  • Additionally, the Peace Lily helps in creating a calm environment, relieving stress and worry – much like the name suggests!

How Do You Repot A Peace Lily?

As Peace Lilies are a fast-growing plant, it is important to re-pot them when they start to get bigger, to ensure they stay healthy and have enough room to grow. You should re-pot your Peace Lily when it begins sprouting new leaves and getting taller, as there needs to be equal room in the pot for all of the roots.

1.Selecting A Pot

To re-pot your Peace Lily, you should relocate your plant to a pot that is at least 2 inches larger than its previous one. This is to ensure the plant’s roots have room to grow.

However don’t get an oversized pot as if there is too much soil this can lead to a build-up of moisture in the container, which can cause root rot. When picking out your new pot, ensure the draining holes are wide enough and then cover the base of the pot in gravel or plant liner, to make sure the soil doesn’t wash out.

Using porous terracotta pots ensures your plants grow strong and healthy!

How To Repot A Peace Lily

2.Preparing Your Peace Lily for the Move

Water your Peace Lily a few hours before you re-pot it, this helps the plant slide out of its old container easily, minimizing damage to the roots. While you wait, put fresh compost (specifically for houseplants) in the new pot.

Fill the container leaving about an inch and a half to 2 inches between the top of the soil and the rim of the pot. This is important because you want to make sure that your Peace Lily isn’t buried too deep, they can retain too much moisture and this can also crush the roots.

3.Removing Your Peace Lily

When you’re ready to remove your Peace Lily from its old container, gently ease it out by being careful not to snap any roots. If the roots are firmly packed into the soil try to gently crumble the soil surrounding the root ball until you have freed the plant.

Now you can place the root ball into the new pot and fill it with the remaining compost. Once you have filled the new container with soil so that the root ball of the Peace Lily is about an inch from the top of the pot, press the top of the soil in place. Make sure you don’t pack it too tightly though, the roots still need room to breathe!

4.Post-Move Peace Lily Aftercare

Once you have repotted your Peace Lily successfully, water it a little bit so the soil can fall into place (remember not too much though as Peace Lilies don’t like a lot of water).

How To Repot A Peace Lily

While your Peace Lily recovers, keep it somewhere that gets a lot of shade, but only for a few days. You may notice wilting for a week or so, but don’t worry this is normal. Repotting is for the best and will help your Peace Lily grow into its best self, we promise!

Note– If you want to make your green fingers happier and your life easier, you can use this affordable 83 pieces ultimate gardening set to help you repot like a pro!

When Should You Repot A Peace Lily?

In order to tell when it’s best to repot your Peace Lily, pay attention to its leaves, they are your biggest clue. If you see your Peace Lily wilting less than a week after you have watered it, this is a good indication it needs repotting as it’s likely it’s no longer getting the moisture it needs.

If you lift up the pot and you can see the roots through the drain holes, that means your Peace Lily is rootbound and it’s time to re-pot! 

What Are Some Other Needs Of A Peace Lily?

As we mentioned, Peace Lilies are one of the easiest, low-maintenance indoor plants you can buy. They need very little complex care and can generally be left to their own devices.

When it comes to watering your Peace Lily, which is the only care it really needs, there are no strict rules. It is easier to play this by ear rather than have a set routine for your Peace Lily, as it is imperative they are not overwatered. Every week, simply touch the top of the soil and if it’s dry, give it water, if not leave it be.

Choose this aesthetically pleasing watering can that can serve your plants watering needs!

How To Repot A Peace Lily

Final Thoughts

Peace Lilies are an asset to the home, cleaning the air and bringing calm days and restful nights. Their low-maintenance nature brings further appeal, especially in today’s fast-paced world.

Although it’s a minimal effort plant, it’s still important to look after it so that it can stay healthy for as long as possible. This guide to repotting your Peace Lily gives you all the tips you need so you can spot the signs it might need a bit more room and how to move it safely so that you can see yours flourish!

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